Product Information Form
Please complete as much of the information below in order for our technical staff to give you the best possible service.

Homeowner Information
*Last Name:
*First Name:
*Postal Code:
*Who to contact:
*Email Address:
Providing your e-mail address will help expedite the scheduling of your service. Email addresses will be treated as confidential.
*Daytime Phone:
Cell Phone:

*Roof Pitch:
*Roof Type:
*Skylight Model:
*Model Size:
Serial Number:
Click here for help finding your serial number (English)
Click here for help finding your serial number (French)
*Year Skylight Installed:
* VELUX flashing Used:
*Underlayment Used:
*Number of skylights on job:
*Number skylights affected:
Number of blinds/shades installed:
Number of blinds/shades affected:
*Skylights located on:
What is required to access your skylight from the interior?
What is required to access your skylight from the exterior?
*Problem Category:
*Description of problem:
Date of purchase:
Select A Date
Attach skylight photos:

Click 'Browse' to attach files. Press your 'Ctrl' key to attach multiple files.

Site visits by VELUX for products within the warranty period cover parts only. A minimum service call fee of $200 is applicable plus additional labour if required.

Site visits by VELUX for products beyond the warranty period will be subject to a minimum service call fee of $200. Parts and labour when applicable are not included in service call fee.

Products beyond the warranty period – VELUX will contact you to recommend a Skylight Installer that is qualified to carry out repairs.

Please be aware that condensation and associated damages are not covered under the VELUX warranty.
If, after consultation, a site visit is deemed as necessary to confirm the issue, the above service call fee will apply.
(Check box to agree to the terms and conditions.)